Renewing Your Real Estate License in Florida

Stay updated on the process of renewing your real estate license in Florida. Learn about the requirements, deadlines, and necessary steps to maintain your license.

Understanding the Florida Real Estate License Renewal Requirements:

First things first, let's explore the renewal requirements specific to Florida. In Florida, real estate licenses are typically valid for two years. Here's a summary of what you need to know:

  1. Education Requirements: Florida requires real estate licensees to complete 14 hours of Continuing Education (CE) during each two-year license period. These hours must include 3 hours of Core Law and 11 hours of specialty education.

  2. Deadlines: It's crucial to renew your license before it expires. Florida licenses expire on either March 31st or September 30th, depending on your initial license issuance date.

Step 1: Completing Continuing Education (CE) Courses:

To meet the education requirements for license renewal, you'll need to complete 14 hours of CE courses. Here's how to do it:

  • Choose a Reputable Provider: Select an approved CE course provider in Florida. There are numerous providers offering both in-person and online courses.

  • Complete the Core Law Requirement: Ensure that you take the mandatory 3-hour Core Law course. This course covers essential legal updates and changes in real estate laws and regulations.

  • Select Specialty Courses: The remaining 11 hours of CE can be in specialized areas of real estate. Choose courses that align with your interests and professional goals.

  • Keep Records: Maintain records of your course completion certificates. You may need to provide these when renewing your license.

Step 2: Renewing Your License:

Once you've completed the required CE hours, it's time to renew your license. Here's how to go about it:

  • Visit the DBPR Website: The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) is the authority responsible for real estate license renewals. Visit their website at

  • Access the Online Renewal System: Log in to the online renewal system using your license information and follow the prompts to complete the renewal application.

  • Pay the Renewal Fee: There is a fee associated with renewing your real estate license in Florida. Make sure to pay this fee during the online renewal process.

  • Submit Proof of CE Completion: You may be required to submit proof of your completed CE courses as part of the renewal process. Have your course certificates ready to upload.

Step 3: Check Your License Status:

After completing the renewal process, check your license status on the DBPR website. You should see a confirmation that your license has been renewed, along with the new expiration date.


Renewing your real estate license in Florida is a straightforward process, provided you stay on top of your Continuing Education requirements and adhere to the renewal deadlines. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your real estate career remains active, compliant, and ready to seize the many opportunities that the Florida real estate market has to offer. Don't let your license lapse—keep it current and continue to shine in this exciting profession!


Congratulations on your Florida real estate license! It's an exciting achievement, but it's important to remember that your journey in the real estate industry doesn't end with your license approval. In this blog post, we'll walk you through the process of renewing your real estate license in Florida, ensuring that you maintain your professional status and continue to thrive in this dynamic field.